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What's on?

Our latest events and exhibitions at a glance.

Share your knowledge and help other community members researching a specific topic, or

share your unique story with us - for future generations

Our next event:

Female Convicts on the Floating Prison Hulks

Thursday 27 March  @ 7.30 pm

Williamstown Town Hall, Level 1 Meeting Room

Guest Presenter - Brian Haynes

Our history books are full of stories about Point Gellibrand's floating prison hulks from the 1850s and 1860s. Sadly, these accounts barely mention the female prisoners who were also incarcerated for over 11 years aboard the hulks.

Join our resident historian Brian Haynes as he shares some of the personal stories and crimes of nearly 1500 females and children, incarcerated aboard the prison hulks "Sacremento" and "Success."

All welcome (including non-members)

@ The Library

 A display on some of Hobsons Bay historic buildings is now showing at the Williamstown Library.

Community Noticeboard. Can you help?

We are frequently contacted by members of the public who are researching a topic or family history. If you have information or stories to share on any of these topics we would love to hear from you too.

Bronze Plaque of Catherine (Kate) Baker O.B.E.

The family of Catherine (Kate) Baker OBE is searching for the bronze plaque bearing her likeness, which she presented to Williamstown North Primary School in October 1938 during the State School reunion, where she was the special guest. If you have any information, the family would be most grateful if you could get in touch.

Carousel @ the beach

Do you have any photos of the original carousel in the fairground directly opposite Williamstown Beach?

We have received an inquiry from someone who now owns the old carousel and is undertaking its full restoration.

Family History

One of our members is doing some family history and would like to contact any descendants of Richard Hook  who ran a grocery store at 62 Douglas Parade in the 1950s/60's.

He would also like to speak to anyone who knew his aunt Aleksandra Rzecki  who lived in Williamstown from the 1950s - 1983. She lived at 27 Lyons Street, Williamstown and was a portrait painter.

If you have any information to share about any of the above topics, please contact us, and we will forward it to interested parties.

Contact us

Preserving the past for the future

Do you have a story to tell?

Do you or a family member have a fascinating story to tell about a significant person, family, event, or location related to the communities of Williamstown, Newport, or Spotswood?

Make this year the year to share your history.

Get in touch and share your story with our community.

Contact us


Short road ferry 1930's
By Nicole Harris February 23, 2025
Richard's Cloughs vision for a short road ferry that would stand the test of time and connect a community for almost 100 years.
By Jennie Moloney February 23, 2025
From Seeds to Strokes: The Artistic Journey of Reginal Ward Sturgess
By Jennie Moloney February 23, 2025
Beyond the Reserve. Who was James Henry Fearon?
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